Tuesday & Wednesday, September 5 & 6
Bayfield, Antigonish
I didn’t arrive at Sea’scape Cottages until nearly 9pm – in the dark and rain. When the road changed from paved to gravel I was grateful that the hosts’ directions were so good.
This letter from a wildlife biologist to the owner in 1986 expressing his appreciation for the biodiversity of the property and its special value to teaching dune ecology is posted on the wall of my cabin tonight. I didn’t even know about the owners’ interest in biodiversity when I booked it.
I had a great conversation with the owners, Lelia and Frank as I checked out. Frank told me that in the summer visitors could swim from close by on the beach but that there were dangerously strong tides further down the beach. I drove a couple hundred feet down to the beach in the Pomquet Provincial Park and walked a mile in the occasional drizzle, watching the riptides and a gull tossing a small crab over and over in the water like a cat playing with a mouse. As I was heading back, a young man was fishing from the beach, and when I asked him what he was fishing for, he said “bass”, and told me that he fished here frequently and it wasn’t unusual to catch 20 bass within an hour.