Cape North – Whale Watching & Meat Cove

Saturday, September 9

Whales and Dolphins

The Oshan Whale-watching tour started in Bay St. Lawrence harbor – only an 18 minute drive from the hostel. We hugged the coast for the first couple of hours; the scenery was magnificent and the sea was great – a nice mix of swells and waves. But no whales or dolphins.

We finally found a pod of pilot whales – although we saw three, Captain Cyril Fraser said there were likely four to six in the pod – just not all surfacing at the same time. A few larger dolphins also appeared. Then a large pod of Atlantic White-Sided Dolphins, which I had never seen before. Wikipedia indicates they are 8-9′ long, but the ones we saw were 2-3′ long with sharp fins and white sides – very easy to see in the water. They moved fast and were difficult to photograph from a moving boat!

Atlantic white-sided dolphins near Bay St. Lawrence, NS September 9, 2023.