Cabots Landing Beach

September 11

Went to Cabots Landing Provincial Park, a 15-minute drive from the hostel. This is where John Cabot is to have landed in Nova Scotia in 1497 and was formerly a launching site for Mi’kmaq to paddle to Newfoundland.

I was supposed to have a Zoom meeting there “on the beach”. The weekly meeting is usually at 1pm central, but I calculated the time zone change wrong, and I’m 4 hours early!

So I carefully slide down the ramp to the beach and walk as far as I can, with the surf pounding, picking up pretty rocks. When I get back to the park, I write in my journal at at picnic table until I’m joined by Pat from Philadelphia and her daughter Melissa from New York City. We have a nice conversation before I head back to the hostel for lunch.

Then at 3pm, I head back to the beach for the meeting. It’s raining and the wind is noisy, so I sit in my car until the very end, when I get out and walk to the beach to prove I’m Zooming from Nova Scotia. It was a great meeting.

Overall, a quiet day and good for renewal.